FAQ 2024



Auction Night Info

What is the attire for the auction?

The attire is cocktail attire. Masquerade masks are not required, but certainly encouraged :).

What is the event timeline?

Event starts at 6pm

Live auction and raffle drawing starting between 8 and 9pm

DJ and dancing from 10 to 11pm

After Party at Johnny’s in Corinth Square - 15% of sales go to Briarwood!


For the cash bar, are credit cards accepted?

Yes, credit cards, debit cards and cash money will be accepted.

How will I bid?

We’re excited to use online bidding for the silent auction again this year. You will create your bidding account when you purchase tickets. You will then bid on silent auction items from your phone. The live auction starts at 9:00 PM. You will be assigned a bid number and given a paddle upon arrival at the auction.  

What can I buy at the auction to support Briarwood?

We have so many exciting things available for purchase at the auction! Check out the Live Auction Preview and Silent Auction Preview below, or buy a mask or raffle ticket ahead of time on our Featured Items page!

What are “Class Parties?”

These are parties for kids, typically planned by grade level. They are hosted by a couple of parents and are set for a certain date/time and specific number of kids who can attend. These might be events like a playdate at the park with popsicles, a swimming party, or an outdoor movie night.

You can “purchase” these parties at the auction for a set amount of money (usually around $30) until all of the spaces allotted are filled.

class parties are available for purchase on bidpal at 6pm the night of the auction.

They can go quickly so make sure to purchase these early!

What are “Parent Parties”?

So. Much. Fun. Parent Parties will also be available to “purchase” at the auction. Much like Class Parties, Parent Parties are hosted by a couple of people and will be held on a set date/time for a specified number of attendees. Parent Parties might range from a Karaoke Night to a whiskey tasting to a Botox party. Find one or two that sound fun to you and be sure to grab your spot.

What is “Class Art?”

Each class or grade creates a collaborative piece of artwork that is included in the silent auction. Look for these pieces on display at the auction!

What about the masks that students are making?

What is a masquerade without masks? You’ll have the opportunity to purchase a masquerade mask created by our very own, talented 4th-6th graders when you purchase a ticket for the auction. Masks are $10 each and will be distributed at check in when you arrive at the auction on March 2nd. Examples of what the masks look like are below.

Please note that masks will be distributed at random, and we are not able to guarantee that you receive your child’s mask due to logistics.


Auction Overview

What is the Briarwood Auction?

The auction is a biennial event dating back to 1981 that raises funds for Briarwood’s PTA. It is a fun night out for Briarwood parents and supporters of our Briarwood community!

This year’s auction is Saturday, March 2, 2024 at the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center. The theme is A Night at the Masquerade and will feature live and silent auctions plus a DJ and dancing. There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres served and a cash bar.

What do we do with the funds raised?

The money raised at the auction supports a variety of important academic and cultural programming in our school. Our goals for the 2024 auction are to

  • Provide our children with an innovation specialist to support the building blocks of education in both reading and math for all grade levels

  • Support student access to enriching education content via teacher-requested subscriptions

  • Support other key educational needs as they arise

Why should I go to the auction?

It’s a fun night out and it’s all for the kids! It’s a great time to catch up with old Briarwood friends and meet new ones, all while raising money for our fantastic school. The auction is our biggest and most important fundraiser.

How can I buy a ticket?

Tickets for the auction are sold out! Thanks for your overwhelming support!


Get Involved

I would like to donate an item or a service, now what?

First of all, THANK YOU! Please contact Jessica Becker at jessicabecker85@gmail.com if you have an item or service donation.

What if I don’t have goods or services to donate, but my company would like to be a sponsor?

We’d love to have you as a sponsor. Please contact our Sponsorship chair, Craig Dawson, at craigdawson@icloud.com for more info!